His administration emphasized a revival of the Malaysian agricultural sector.
So the administration emphasized programs to prevent homelessness, including legal services for those facing eviction and a new housing subsidy.
Instead, the administration has emphasized a more collaborative approach, offering companies increased technical assistance, for instance, on how to comply with regulations.
During the last decade, the administration of the city has emphasized public education, building schools and libraries in poor quarters.
We can assume that the values the administration will be emphasizing are not tolerance, diversity, open-mindedness or the like.
The administration emphasized that "use of this model form is optional."
After initially playing down the idea of conservation, the administration, especially the vice president, has recently been emphasizing it.
In offering its interpretation of the rules today, the administration emphasized the need for common sense.
The previous administration emphasized punishing processors rather than preventing contamination.
Mrs. Schorr believes that the next administration will emphasize the importance of social programs.