In other areas the administration encouraged the digging of wells monitored by administrative authorities.
If they are, that raises a question about how much the administration should encourage protest.
But the administration also supports the Palestinian democratic process and has encouraged the elections.
AmeriCorps is his pet project, and his administration has encouraged service as an alternative to jail time.
The new administration encouraged the revival of the local Cape forces, and especially the Volunteer Force.
The school's administration and faculty highly encourage students to pursue their intellectual interests in various realms.
And the administration has already encouraged the House leadership to resist the provision on torture in a separate Senate military spending bill.
He argues that during the 1920s and early 1930s the British administration encouraged local resistance to Zionist activities.
Ms. Burden pointed out that the administration has encouraged housing development.
The faculty and administration also encourages these activities as they provide healthy platform for students to develop organizational and managerial skills.