The administration forced the Student Council to institute a dress code.
The administration forced us into it.
In 1943 the German administration forced Ryelandt to resign, but he was reinstated after the liberation of Belgium in 1944.
The administration rescinded the expulsions and forced the coach to apologize.
As if to prove the very thesis of these materials, the administration forced the professor to discontinue using these books and other publications.
When word of the deal got out, the administration forced the Rodhams to back out.
The administration did not force the issue at that time, since it had not settled on a replacement.
Obama promised change and he has not delivered (other than a hated health care bill that his administration forced through the congress).
Mr. Kibaki's administration has already forced numerous corrupt judges and civil servants to resign.
The Gregorys chose not to invest, and the administration later forced the Rodhams to kill the deal.