Angelos also said that the present administration of the club, headed by President Larry Lucchino, will remain intact.
The administration headed by Dönitz was known as the Flensburg government.
Following the 1886 general election, a Conservative administration headed by Lord Salisbury was formed.
He was always treated with extraordinary dignity, love and respect, particularly under the current administration, headed by Jim Janiewski.
However in the fourth general assembly held on 31 December 1922 the administration headed by Janko Šafarik is elected with him becoming the new president.
King Carol firmly supported the Conservative administration, again headed by Catargiu.
It also organized a successful scouting network and the administration, headed by president Arsa Kovačević, was able to provide all necessary conditions for the competition.
The first federal administration headed by Morazán was oriented to the peaceful reconstruction of the several States that comprised the republic.
In July 1920, the military administration was replaced by a civilian administration headed by a High Commissioner.
Just three years ago this month, an earlier administration headed by Richmond Crinkley departed after years spent fighting for a multi-million-dollar renovation.