Recent administrations have increased tax credits and grants to help make college affordable.
On the defensive side of the ledger, the administration will increase to $9 billion the financing for national missile defense.
The administration would increase airport fees to pay for immigration inspectors.
His administration increased educational financing for new schools and laboratories and raised teachers' pay.
Thus, the administration increased the number of nuclear warheads from 1,000 in 1953 to 18,000 by early 1961.
But families requesting shelter continued to pour into the system, and the administration has gradually increased its use of hotels.
Ultimately, the administration budged slightly and increased the amount it would agree to restore to $117 million.
At the same time, more efficient administration increases public confidence in the work of the Union.
The administration previously increased the standard for light trucks to 22.2 miles a gallon by the 2007 model year.
The administration retained and increased the monopolies held by the company.