The curriculum at the College included numerous electives, and the administration permitted great latitude in the courses that students took.
With this accomplished, the administration would permit re-authorization of the central bank in 1836.
The administration and its Congressional allies regularly permit lobbyists to write the regulations by which they themselves are to be regulated.
City officials denied that the administration permitted widespread harassment in the workfare program.
But the present administration will never permit your return.
No administration could permit a default, the thinking has always been, if so many banks would be imperiled.
In April 1980, with Peru's economy in deep depression, the military administration permitted an election for the restoration of constitutional rule.
The judge, Joyce Hens Green, said the administration must permit the detainees it is holding as "enemy combatants" to challenge their detention in federal courts.
She left open the possibility that the administration might permit some programs to meet Palestinians' "humanitarian needs."
How did the administration, the sheriff of this facility, permit Sergeant Fries to be in power for so long?