If an agency is having difficulties, the administration could stop referring children to it, or remove the children from its care.
This seemed particularly true of the merchants along the street, who remain grateful that his administration removed the sidewalk vendors who for so long were their competition.
After some time, the administration of the country have removed Gusev, and Yakobson was left alone to manage the theater.
In September 2004, the administration of Bais Yaakov Machon removed the 7th and 8th grades due to space limitations.
After the Second World War, the British administration dismantled the railway and removed all traces of it.
In 2002, Mr. Sundquist's administration removed nearly 200,000 people from the Medicaid rolls.
In 2007 the college's administration removed healthcare coverage for "abortion, contraception, and voluntary sterilization" after discovering that these were covered by the college's healthcare policy.
In the 48 hours before the visit, the administration in Ahmedabad had removed all remaining signs of the destruction.
In the late 1960s the local administration rearranged the cemetery and removed any Christian symbols and individual headstones.
So the administration has simply removed the prohibition on waste.