He said his administration has started addressing the second issue through improved pay to policemen.
Is there any hope that this administration will ever start working for all instead of a privileged few?
He said the administration would start what is known as a Section 201 action, a way of establishing quotas on imports.
The administration additionally started the 2011-2012 year two days early and added 30 minutes to each school day.
However, the development's administration gradually started to pass directly from the trading companies to the Portuguese government itself.
He won a closer than expected re-election in 2003 against a weak Democratic rival, and his administration started to experience problems.
Never mind that the administration started when Tom was 6.
The administration must start functioning again so that public services can be provided.
It's almost as though a new administration started after the 1986 elections, setting the course for several years.
But he said few members from either party had raised objections as the administration has started to help Colombia fight the rebels.