By the end of the 10th century formed a formal administrative apparatus and a system of regular taxes.
There are a number of specialist brigades which bring together under a single administrative apparatus several units performing similar functions.
But for a corporate system, a Committee structure is the best administrative apparatus.
Instead, he was vice president for finance and took on the company's administrative apparatus, staying five years.
The authority was the American administrative apparatus that ran Iraq after the 2003 invasion.
He began by increasing the church's administrative apparatus, expanding its social programs, and initiating a series of building programs.
Fleet personnel are contained in a security cocoon within the former administrative apparatus.
"But unfortunately, it is bound in by that middle administrative apparatus which remained as it was before. "
However, the dark forces that still pervade the administrative apparatus, namely within the army, police and government, have a very destabilising effect on the situation.
It does not need a massive administrative apparatus for this, but can work through negotiations between a few key individuals in the state and business sectors.