Trainees pursue a specialization in one of three fields: administrative assistance, financial services/insurance, or medical office support.
In the Edo period, yoriki provided administrative assistance at governmental offices.
The bridegroom, 33, is a computer systems project manager in the office of administrative assistance at Harvard.
The state has also contributed financial and administrative assistance to spur construction in the city.
New Zealand is obliged under the island's constitution to provide "necessary economic and administrative assistance".
Provide increased levels of support to accomplish necessary administrative, logistical, and fiscal assistance to alerted units.
It said administrative assistance would violate the spirit of neutrality expected of the Government.
In addition, some money has been allocated to technical and administrative assistance, including related staff costs.
The proposed procedure dealing with mutual administrative assistance, to which Parliament has given a positive response, is an important initiative.
The rules on administrative and judicial assistance are disappointing.