However, a number of legal and administrative barriers are hampering foundations' current work.
He could not penetrate the administrative barriers that ringed the Table.
Throughout the 1980s efforts were made to break down some of the administrative barriers separating the military and civilian research and development systems.
This was a major increase from the 20,000 on the rolls who had managed to get through administrative barriers in 1940.
Article 32, on the other hand, refers to the removal of administrative barriers, particularly for border regions, which have specific needs.
Only a uniform solution across all 27 states can overcome the existing national administrative barriers.
We must strive to raise the administrative and legal barriers that are preventing anyone who wants to from starting up in business.
It is also important to progressively correct market failures and remove administrative barriers.
We put legal and administrative barriers in their way.
As a result, there have been strong religious, cultural, and administrative barriers to monitoring charitable spending.