Besides his administrative chores this position also taught him to appreciate the teaching vocation.
Seniority is only good for getting one stuck with certain administrative chores, on the rare occasions when we act as a group.
They took care of routine administrative chores and had to select a new King if anything happened to the old one.
As director, Ms. Phillips will spend much of her time with administrative chores, including raising money.
They asked me to take over some administrative chores.
The Bradley campaign's only paid staff member here is a 22-year-old, fresh out of college, who gets $500 a month to help with administrative chores.
His free nights are often spent catching up with the company's administrative chores.
The teaching staff divided various administrative chores for the following two years.
For some time, Keith accomplished some administrative chores as a recruitment agent.
Besides grant applications, budget proposals and other administrative chores, they had to find a new home.