The families had filed administrative claims against the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and in the settlement waived any further claims related to the accident.
In January 1983, CARD filed an administrative claim with the governing board so as to reverse the Superintendent's decision.
AT&T easily could have asserted its alleged 'injury' in the form of a proof of administrative claim, without any need to request a change to the plan.
Davis rejected the claim objecting to provisions that would grant bonuses to insiders and cherry-pick which administrative claims get paid.
Ali filed an administrative claim; relief was denied because Ali had signed a receipt form.
Dolan initially filed an administrative claim with the Postal Service, which was denied on April 18, 2002.
They had previously filed administrative claims in their case, but those were denied late last year.
The more important cases are for the administrative claims department judgement formation (Section).
The tax agency filed an administrative claim with the bankruptcy court in Chicago, where UAL is reorganizing.
But many individual rights depend on administrative and statutory claims.