These reforms were part of a trend away from the official policies of assimilation and direct rule in favor of administrative decentralization and internal autonomy.
It has encouraged the spread of independent radio stations whose broadcasts reach the countryside and started an ambitious program of administrative decentralization.
On the institutional level, the PDP advocated administrative, social and economic decentralization.
He has moved the system from one of political decentralization to one of administrative decentralization, and that's a good thing.
Established in 25 May 2000, its existence is based upon the Indonesian laws about political and administrative decentralization (Law 22/1999).
The plan gave priority to environmental issues, but also provided for land reform, improved education and administrative and financial decentralization.
But he is the first to prepare to use his influence with the Board of Education and his budgetary control to enact a wide-ranging administrative decentralization.
Four major forms of administrative decentralization have been described.
The government undertook administrative decentralization, popular with the Ansar, that favored rural over urban areas, where leftist activism was most evident.
LU favored administrative decentralization and European assistance to implement reforms and also promoted industrialization.