French export controls derive from two administrative decrees from the time of the Second World War, in which the government has exclusive control of importing and exporting military goods.
Town status is conferred by administrative decree - some settlements remain villages even though they have a larger population than many smaller towns.
France's prime minister, François Fillon, must now sign an administrative decree for Noriega to be transferred, possibly within days.
Cossack hetmans had very broad powers and acted as supreme military commanders and executive leader (by issuing administrative decrees).
Law became man made - through Dutch Parliament, administrative decree, or statutory custom (i.e. custom made into binding precedent) which was absolute, and obligatory.
In 1685, an administrative decree mentioned the place as Mastangarh, a mixture of Sanskrit and Persian meaning fortified place of an auspicious personage.
Indeed, there are still many in Japan who, as Mr. Wood puts it, are "yearning for the golden days when stock prices could be supported by administrative decree or rank manipulation."
As the front moved west, and more Belarusian lands were adjoined to the new republic, the first administrative decrees were issued.
They must also store traffic data for a period which may be determined later by administrative decree.
But that state -which is not always compatible with learning and growth - cannot be established by administrative decree.