Clinicians view a lot of the federal requirements as administrative hassles and do not take them seriously.
"There were a lot more administrative hassles for the cities under the old law."
Small wonder, then, that most employers don't consider it worth the administrative hassle to offer transit vouchers.
I'm sure you have your share of administrative hassles.
That's no small amount of administrative and bureaucratic hassle on top of the expense.
This makes European industry more competitive and means less administrative hassle.
And we were cleared to depart without the usual administrative hassle.
Many doctors are also put off by the increased number of tests, checkups and administrative hassles involved in clinical trials.
In the Far East, he'd even bought an airline just so he could ship out heroin without administrative hassle.
"They have become an enormous administrative hassle, and we felt it wasn't the best way to portray ourselves to the consumer."