Competence and administrative hurdles play into their hands.
Until 1952, an exit visa was required and many administrative hurdles were put in front of those wishing to leave.
A year before that, Albany, threw its weight behind the project, obviating administrative hurdles.
"I had more administrative hurdles to go through because of that and that's fine."
But critics contend that some of the commission's recommendations will in fact slow down an enterprise already burdened by enormous administrative and political hurdles.
After the state control board, the proposal must jump two more administrative hurdles.
Other states erect administrative and procedural hurdles that make it difficult for communities to invest in a full-service network.
On paper, once again on paper, the use of this language is permitted, but in practice there are still numerous administrative hurdles.
At the same time, the administrative hurdles within the Community will be dismantled.
Efficiency of performance must not be hampered by excessive bureaucracy and daunting administrative hurdles.