Baring believed that because of Egyptian administrative incompetence, a long occupation was essential to any sort of reform.
More administrative incompetence, he guessed, his blood boiling at the needless loss of life.
Specifically, the university contended that it was acting because of Dr. Jeffries's administrative incompetence.
"It paints a dismal picture of gross professional and administrative incompetence and patient neglect."
Leiserson came out in favor of the changes, and accused Madden of administrative incompetence.
You might be tempted to attribute this inability to raise taxes to administrative incompetence in a country unaccustomed to dealing with free markets.
Sir Robin said earlier that the changes are necessary to address "clear signs of political amorality and immaturity and general administrative incompetence."
The other kind of scandal involves administrative incompetence and private greed.
Outside the oil sector, a climate of widespread corruption, cronyism and administrative incompetence damaged economic prospects.
Could it be that the Palestinians want an end to corruption, internal strife and administrative incompetence?