Typically, election-law experts say, such charges are handled as administrative violations rather than as criminal matters.
Revealed more than 150,000 administrative violations, impose administrative fines worth several hundred million rubles.
Day 3, no confidential conversations with lawyers, and on Day 4, you're rousting them out of bed for administrative violations.
The Police Department, finding that they had committed no administrative violations, restored them to full duty.
"The federal government charged him with crimes, and we are charging him with administrative violations," he said.
Captain Coleman said the bulk of complaints sent into the department are for administrative violations rather than actual misconduct.
Although the state police investigates those calls, they are considered an administrative violation.
Individuals who sell to minors are arrested or cited; the associated business receives a notice of an administrative violation.
This case is concerned only with a purely administrative violation.
The court refused to review claims of discrimination but the case was still under review for possible administrative violations as of December.