Mr. Barwick, who is now president of the Municipal Art Society, said: "What the numbers don't show is the very heavy administrative workload.
Erroneous or missing information will result in an excessive administrative workload and may contribute to reduced personnel readiness or key billet shortages.
It is on this team that the bulk of the administrative workload falls.
The naming structure is hierarchical, helping share the administrative workload.
In addition, each District was required to submit annual financial statements to the Board; a major increase in the administrative workload and responsibility for district secretaries.
Historically, abstract management was a time-consuming manual process requiring the handling of large amounts of paper and created a considerable administrative workload.
The presence of so many donors has added an enormous administrative workload to an already struggling MOH.
The second reason is that many directives require the Member States to submit reports, which considerably increases their administrative workload.
Moreover, the act of redefining these conditions is justified by the administrative and technical workload that this procedure entails.
Virginia created the first counties in order to ease the administrative workload in Jamestown.