The administrators, Ernst & Young, appointed a new chairman to replace Davis.
The administrator may also appoint a Chief Stipendiary Magistrate and Deputy Chief Stipendiary Magistrates.
The administrator may also appoint a Territory Coroner under the Coroners Act (NT).
British administrators favoured the Krios and appointed many to senior posts in the civil service.
The administrator may also appoint deputy coroners.
The administrator can appoint other administrators and/or assistants to help you manage your clients' tax matters online.
However, the territory's administrator, Albertus Johannes Werth, appointed three Germans and three South Africans to the assembly in an attempt to neutralise the result.
A quiet, able administrator appointed by the Mayor in 1994, Dr. Siegel has been widely credited with streamlining the overgrown hospitals bureaucracy at the Mayor's behest.
At a hearing, they had a public administrator appoint them guardians of the child.
Should this be unsatisfactory in the first instance, the court may be asked to mediate and administrators appointed.