Courts, particularly the Supreme Court, typically enter the fray only after others, legislators and administrators, have considered the matter and written new statutes or regulations.
As teachers, administrators, and policymakers consider the role of new media and participatory practices in the school environment, they will need to find ways to address the multiple challenges.
In addition to debating how much classroom time should be spent discussing the war, teachers and administrators must consider what to teach.
"There's a lot of little issues that administrators or people without children don't ever consider."
The proceeding's administrator considers certain factors, such as the invention's conception date and the inventor's diligence in reducing the invention to practice.
She said the researchers obtained virtually all the charts they wanted, although court orders were needed to get some hospitals to release what administrators considered confidential medical data.
At many schools around the city, summer is being greeted with trepidation as administrators and parents consider the possible dismantling of the after-school programs when they return in September.
His advocacy had little effect: on the contrary, successive administrators considered him an eccentric nuisance.
Mr. Burke hit campus last June, and students, faculty members and administrators initially considered him to be more of a sideshow performer than a provocative orator.
The theaters' administrators considered running the concession themselves but, Mr. Gersten said, "We calculated we would lose money - it's a lousy business."