In the Soviet system, local governments and administrators found all sorts of ways to circumvent central authority.
"It won't provide extra learning that teachers don't provide, but administrators find this a cheap and easy way to look good."
Some teachers and administrators also found the eight-week breaks not to their liking.
The public once trusted teachers and administrators to find a good balance between math, reading, arts, health and other activities.
An administrator (Rogers) can find no record of Kevin, and a police search turns up nothing.
Under another provision, the administrator should find it easier to get full rent collections.
We search through the records, or use the administrators to find the information.
In other schools, teachers and administrators have found that even the most carefully designed technology centers attract more boys than girls.
At issue were the training programs we had provided that administrators no longer found relevant.
Ancillary health care professionals and administrators will also find much of interest.