Separately, both were making admirable progress in fighting addiction and all the grim attendant battles.
But the princess is making admirable progress in the language.
Somaliland has made admirable progress in maintaining relative peace and stability and has set a positive example of democracy following the successful elections back in June 2010.
From the day when the peoples of those Republics first gained their independent and democratic form of government the people of the United States have watched their admirable progress in self-government with deep and sympathetic interest.
Whatever admirable progress evolution has made towards lining up intentions with behaviour to pander to the vanities of the conscious mind, has - in Harold's case, at least - been wasted.
The author praises the Framers of the Constitution as "men of exceptional talent and virtue" (p. 7) who made admirable progress in the creation of their republican government.
He went on, "Your Lord Teacher of Word Knowing tells me that you have also made quick and admirable progress in the art of picture writing.
We were not making admirable progress.
And if they attacked that question with the relentless effort they brought to everything else they did, they could have made admirable progress, even by this time, possibly in some ways humanity had not even considered.