Anne Murney, the admissions coordinator, reported 375 applications for 150 open spots this fall.
Talk to the admissions coordinator or parent coordinator at some of the better-ranked schools to understand the process - especially the timelines - better.
The bride, 33, is a writer and also the admissions coordinator at the National Cathedral School in Washington.
Mrs. O'Connor, 26 years old, is an admissions coordinator at Columbia University in New York.
I was devastated, ashamed of being an admissions coordinator.
Mrs. Owens, 32, is an admissions coordinator for a New York University study abroad program.
He was the director of Bo Ryan basketball camps, and was an admissions coordinator at the school.
Miss Kearing, 25 years old, is an admissions coordinator at Columbia University.
Further, it is apparent that graduate admissions coordinators are paying an inordinate amount of attention to a student's undergraduate grade point average.
Goff currently serves as admissions coordinator for the school, as well as handling the school's finances, hiring and public relations.