Yet has this country set up an admissions system that encourages hard work, responsibility and competition?
The kind of two-track admissions system that inspired the legal challenge is no longer used or defended by Texas, she explained.
California, which has had a version of an automatic admissions system for years, may offer a useful example.
For many years a central admissions system for polytechnics was not seen as necessary.
But Oxford operates an entirely fair and honest admissions system.
How much longer must we wait for a fairer university admissions system?
The 22 delegates discussed access to higher education, the admissions system and non-traditional qualifications.
In the brief filed today, the Administration said it was not seeking to defend the former two-track admissions system.
This week, a federal judge ruled the race-conscious admissions system at his law school unconstitutional.
For me this is far more damning than any accusations about unfairness in the admissions system.