In coming years, the U.S. is apt to admit more than 700,000 immigrants annually.
The Bush Administration proposes to admit 150,000 "special immigrants" over five years to satisfy foreign policy interests.
It is as if the United States had admitted 20 million immigrants in two years, people speaking another language and using another alphabet.
Between 1990 and 2000 the city admitted 1,224,524 immigrants.
We admit more than one million legal immigrants each year.
We admit more than one million legal immigrants a year, as many as all other nations combined.
After it became law, the United States would admit 700,000 new immigrants annually, up from 500,000 before the bill's passage.
More than 40 percent of Canadians, according to the poll, say their country admits too many immigrants.
Will admitting more immigrants drive down the wages of American workers?
We admit more than one million legal immigrants most every year.