Similarly, although adolescents tend to associate with others of the same ethnicity and socioeconomic status, clique membership is equally common across ethnicity and economic background.
A number of recent studies confirm that regardless of gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status, adolescents tend to fall into one of three categories: group members, liaisons, and isolates.
They found that when parents held an emotion-coaching philosophy, the adolescents tended to have fewer behavioral and emotional issues.
The authors found that adolescents with high levels of depressive symptoms tended to have mothers who were less accepting of their own emotions.
Adult males and independent adolescents of both sexes tend to live alone.
But adolescents and young adults tend not to pay attention to those odds.
The Germans came and were obnoxious and unthoughtful, as adolescents tend to be, and stole the tree from me.
Early adolescents who are in trouble tend to be in trouble in a lot of ways together.
Typically, adolescents and teens fall asleep at a later hour at night and tend to sleep later in the morning.
Studies support the common view that adolescents tend to be reckless and do not calculate the risks and consequences of their actions as adults do.