Each one came in a carrying case with an adoption certificate.
For $250, an admirer can claim sponsorship of a star for a year, and receive an "adoption" certificate.
I let Turtle see the adoption certificate and she looked at it for a very long time, considering that there were no pictures on it.
This means you won't have to send your child's birth or adoption certificate again.
It also means that you shouldn't have to send in your child's birth or adoption certificate.
If you have problems getting your child's adoption certificate, contact the Child Benefit Office and they may be able to help you.
Things change when Mahmud, while clearing out his recently deceased mother's house, stumbles across an adoption certificate.
When adoptive parents demanded adoption certificates, such records were forged for them.
As part of this, the dolls often come with fake birth certificates or adoption certificates.
You need to send it to the Child Benefit Office, along with your child's birth or adoption certificate.