He is survived by his loving and beloved wife of 53 years, Carolyn and his adored and adoring daughter, Nina.
Your adoring daughters, Marna, Robyn, Melissa.
He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Claire, three adoring daughters, Stephanie, Amy, and Tina, and seven grandchildren.
In 1836, he married Isabella Shawe, who bore him two adoring daughters, and became, by most accounts, a warmhearted family man.
More plausible, I think, is the idea that Nin, the adoring daughter of a handsome philanderer, set out to mimic him.
Nick Nolte is a wealthy American art collector living in Europe and Kate Beckinsale is his adoring daughter.
We extend our sympathy and love to his beloved wife Dushanka, his adoring daughters Olivia & Sarah & all his devoted family.
A powerful, charismatic man of 50-some years has a strong, smart helpmeet of a wife, an adoring daughter and a reputation for social idealism.
Higgins never quite makes a woman out of Ms. Holland's Eliza, who gawks at him like an adoring daughter to the very last.
Her father was given to periods of depression, was often verbally cruel to his adoring daughter and had a drinking problem.