Especially noteworthy was her discovery of the role of pantothenic acid in adrenal function and pigmentation.
An over-active libido is very often treated herbally by addressing poor adrenal function.
For those on chronic therapy, alternate-day dosing may preserve adrenal function and thereby reduce side-effects.
Well, I have found a depletion of seratonin in your brain, adrenal function low, hormone functions adequate, but low.
Ovarian and adrenal function in polycystic ovary syndrome.
Aminoglutethimide is indicated in conjunction with other drugs for the suppression of adrenal function in patients with Cushing's syndrome.
The juvenile form does not show myopathy and patients have normal adrenal function.
Suppression of adrenal function and reduced response to ACTH have been reported.
Comment: I did testing to confirm I had next to no adrenal function and had spent several months nearly unable to walk or care for myself.
The combat drug would raise their pain thresholds and boost their adrenal functions, making them more effective physically while cutting down on reasoning functions.