He adroitly turned the conversation back toward poetry.
The scrutinising glance of Bernadotte did not escape her, and she adroitly turned the conversation.
When he adroitly turned the subject, she became more curious than ever.
Through lies and misdirection, the Major adroitly turns the two C.I.D. men on each other.
Here Mark's spot adroitly turns the corner from response to attack.
But Mr. Silver, who can adroitly turn a phrase in any direction, has invested his stand-up solipsists with some of the wittiest talk in town.
Then Agger adroitly turned away from Agüero, steering the ball to safety.
Methane's down to four already...." Dauge, turning adroitly, was keeping up with the readings on the other equipment.
The fact that Dan so adroitly turned the tables on the article was genius.
Well, come on.: She turned adroitly, and flicked her tail at him, looking back at him over her shoulder.