During the 1950s and early 1960s it sponsored family fare but by the 1970s it featured adult entertainment.
That section requires that no more than 40 percent of an establishment's inventory and space be used for what the industry calls adult entertainment.
The owner agreed to post a $10,000 bond that could be used to pay any fines if adult entertainment resumed.
It brought adult entertainment into the confines of the master bedroom.
"The only wildly successful sites that charge have been adult entertainment," he said.
Aimed at a very different audience from that of his television work, it contains a lot more strong language, which he promotes as adult entertainment.
"But it's hard to sell the cable service providers on more adult entertainment," he says.
In the early 20th century, the carousel was still primarily adult entertainment.
Perhaps the problem is their lack of creativity and ability to produce truly adult entertainment.
But the figures showed only 282 people were charged in premises classified as adult entertainment with the same offenses.