-What's more, grown-ups in the front can separately listen to more adult fare while the kids watch and listen to their own programming.
She progressed rapidly from Lewis Carroll (one of her favorites) and Robert Louis Stevenson to more adult fare.
It said such categories could "encourage children to provide inaccurate information" to get access to more adult fare.
This recent group of high-budget serious movies demonstrates Hollywood's belief that its audience is aging and that the studios would profit by providing more adult fare.
Turning to more adult fare, at least five concerts are vying for an audience today.
An adult single fare on either operators' services currently costs £1.00 and an all-day Hoppa ticket costs £1.50.
Warner Brothers has been more associated with 'Casablanca' stuff or more adult fare, like 'Lethal Weapon.'
Although these picture books may be geared to children younger than 10, the show is definitely adult fare.
Oddly enough, despite these awkward lurchings toward more "adult" fare, prime-time entertainment remains wary of certain national realities.
It is a format in which the genre is geared more towards an adult audience who are not into hard rock, hip hop, or adult contemporary fare.