Like all Girl Scout troops, it has two adult leaders; unlike the vast majority, one of them is a man.
A team of 37 young people, aged 14-19, and 13 adult leaders have been gathered from across Scotland to aid in this work.
Through 2010, the council served approximately 5,300 youth members and 1,700 adult leaders.
Youth Protection Training is required for all adult leaders and must be recertified per local council policy.
Participants at each camp are divided into crews of six, including one to two adult leaders.
They typically meet in groups of ten girls with two adult leaders who help the girls plan activities to introduce them to Girl Scouts.
As with previous Jamborees, the standard troop size was 36 youths plus 4 adult leaders.
Prometheus camps are led by a team consisting of two adult leaders and five co-leaders.
The individuals were chosen to pilot-test teaching both adult leaders and their Scouts in sequence.
Rovers are not necessarily adult leaders of Scout Troops, although there is often some overlap.