Like many pen pals throughout the world, the two were introduced through a school where the woman was taking an adult-education class to improve her English.
Mrs. Weinstein, who had a master's degree, was on her way to an adult-education class when she disappeared.
In fact, they might be more likely to support school budgets that include money for adult-education classes they could enroll in.
Peter, on the other hand, would attend adult-education classes and be expected, in short order, to find a job.
The program has served as a stepping stone for many of the students, who later enroll in adult-education classes at local schools.
But here is his real story as he told it before one of our adult-education classes.
Two nights per week I attend adult-education classes in New York.
I joined an adult-education class at night-seeking out new interests and making new friends.
He was a student in my adult-education classes.
Roy had these figures on at- tendance at adult-education classes over the last several months, you know?