If you wish to visit this as an individual, I suggest that you write in advance of your visit.
Note that tour schedules can fill up quickly, so it is advisable to book your tour well in advance of your visit.
Duk Toy had known in advance of Patti's visit, and made a few simple preparations.
But in advance of Mr. Yeltsin's visit, Washington seems bored and distracted.
This feature allows patients to fill out their paperwork online in advance of their visit.
Researchers are encouraged to telephone, e-mail, or write at least 3 days in advance of their visit.
You should get a visa in advance of your visit and ensure it covers the entire duration of your stay.
Please apply at least 28 days in advance of your proposed visit.
You must apply in advance of your visit for permission to land on the Islands.
White House Tours must be requested 1 - 6 months in advance of your visit.