The nationalists had had little success in advancing their program through Congress, and continued to use rhetoric repeating concerns over the army's stability.
Iraq, the critics say, remains heavily dependent on external assistance to advance its nuclear program.
When her husband was president, she created the role of First Lady, using her social talents to advance his program.
Chapter 3 Madison felt now that it was time to advance his program a notch.
Most important, the report concedes that Iran could be deceiving us about how far it has advanced its nuclear program.
If this strategy paid off, it would have had the effect of strengthening the government's position and allowing it to advance its revolutionary program much faster.
"Rather," he added, "California is free to advance its 'comprehensive program,' if it wishes, by using its power of emiment domain."
In exposing them, Russia's new revolutionary workers' government sought to advance its program of an immediate armistice to end the slaughter.
The entire "Nightline" staff seemed at a loss, unable to advance the night's program.
But while he struggles to advance his program of economic and political changes in the Soviet Union, he has firmly resisted similar tendencies at home.