This was made possible as scientific advances permitted the identification of distinctive traits in organisms across Eisenack's groups.
Each new advance permits the drive makers to reduce the number of moving parts in their disk drives, thus driving down costs at a remarkable rate.
Recent advances have permitted the construction of large dams, reservoirs and channels.
The recent advances in construction technology have permitted the construction of large dams and reservoirs.
Technological advances in communications and data processing have permitted financial institutions to expand their role in the economy greatly.
Ms. Nearpass's point that technical advances in the medium permit a greater range of expression is debatable.
Technological advances have permitted sexological questions to be addressed with studies using behavioral genetics, neuroimaging, and large-scale Internet-based surveys.
Methodological advances now permit access to both direct and conjugate addition products.
Recent technical advances permit the industry to add much less sulfur, but most serious wine makers still believe some sulfur is necessary to make stable wines.
By then, if not before, medical advances may permit actual rejuvenation.