The D90 is squarely aimed at advanced amateurs looking for a step up from entry-level models.
Although Canon talks about the market for the camera in terms of "advanced amateurs," it is hard to believe that this flexible system will not be also sought by professionals.
Still, the Hasselblad 2 1/4-by-2 1/4 single lens reflex continues to be a favorite of many advanced amateurs and professionals.
All were expensive and until the 1930s none was "fast" enough for hand-held snapshot-taking, so they mostly served a niche market of affluent advanced amateurs.
Mr. Westfall said the S70 would most likely appeal to advanced amateurs and professionals who need a small backup camera.
Its players, who will include advanced amateurs as well as semiprofessionals, will not only make music, he says.
Clubs were for serious photographers, the "advanced amateurs" who liked to roll their own film and get their hands wet in the darkroom.
The 8000i is even more feature-laden than the 7000i, which in Minolta's mind makes it suitable gear for "advanced amateurs and pros."
Originally, the Ektar group was targeted for advanced amateurs and professionals.
Such Hi8 and Super-VHS camcorders are meant for advanced amateurs undeterred by the higher price, which may well reach upward of $1,500.