Much of what it was saying, which was clearly the product of advanced dementia and great pain, was picked up by her translator.
One fellow was even wearing shorts - always a sign of advanced dementia in a British walker.
It may also be seen in advanced dementia.
However, in patients with advanced dementia or adult failure to thrive it does not decrease the risk of pneumonia.
He was indicted at the Nuremberg Trials but never tried, due to his advanced dementia.
In advanced dementia, studies show that PEG placement does not in fact prolong life.
In patients with a limited life expectancy (for example, those with advanced dementia), end-of-life pneumonia also requires recognition and appropriate, palliative care.
Of the 216 patients, 98 suffered advanced dementia; the rest did not have any form of dementia.
People with advanced dementia are near death.
Benefits of this procedure in those with advanced dementia has not been shown.