All Scouting organizations have an advancement program, whereby the Scout learns scoutcraft, community service, leadership, and explores areas of interest to him.
The first, "Developing and advancing the artist's knowledge and skills", involves building a personal advancement program suited to the artist and their needs.
Explorers got a new advancement program leading to the Silver Award.
It would not be surprising if these women began to wonder why they couldn't have the same advancement programs that Sumitomo will be providing.
Everything a Cub Scout does in the advancement program is intended to achieve these aims and aid in personal growth.
The advancement program is often considered to be divided into two phases.
The reorganization of the alumni association and advancement program led to the rapid growth of the university's endowment over the years following his presidency.
An advancement program was developed that was split into lodges.
He is quoted by many as one of the first pioneers of employee welfare and social advancement programs.
The advancement program for Boy Scouts has two phases.