Although the possibility was considered by the council, Derby Borough did not take advantage of the powers conferred by the 1850 Act for some years.
And despite the tax advantages conferred by 401(k)'s, individual retirement accounts and other savings vehicles, most people simply refuse to stash much money in them.
You maintain all the advantages and string-pulling ability that being a member of the privately-educated middle class confers.
Patiently and cautiously, Aulus enumerated all the political advantages conferred on Nero over the past months, culminating with the latest: his marriage to Claudius' daughter, Octavia.
These advantages confer Skaven a marked advantage in income and experience advances.
We suspect that selective advantages conferred by this specialized operon accommodated successful LGT to Xylella .
The advantage conferred by Ultra, conversely, became less significant at this stage of the campaign.
The advantage conferred by hitting a golf ball as long as Daly can is similar to that afforded a pitcher who can throw a 100-mile-per-hour fastball.
The European Parliament must take advantage of the codecision power conferred on it by the Treaty of Amsterdam in order to approve them.
The advantage conferred by adjuvant chemotherapy or endocrine therapy was examined in randomized studies [ 2 3 8 9 35 36 37 38 ] .