These lines were written in the summer of 1933, a few weeks before the Texan was to start writing adventure fiction.
In addition to adventure fiction, there were many articles and ads about the construction of model airplanes.
It is not only functional in meeting the basic demands of adventure fiction, but also funny in situation and dialogue.
Residents can borrow all types of materials from adventure fiction to religious non-fiction and use a large legal collection while awaiting trial.
From the age of nine he dreamed of becoming a writer of adventure fiction but did not have real success until he was 23.
Articles on the outdoors, sports, and hobbies, with adventure fiction and humor; ages 9-16.
He had traveled through space and time and lived a life most would consider ripe material for adventure fiction.
The bulk of his large output is boys' adventure fiction, often with a nautical or historical setting.
In retirement, he became a successful author of adventure fiction for children.
I'm not sure I'm in the market for highbrow (being a bit generous) adventure fiction.