Attempts by John Wagner to update the title were initially successful, but it struggled to find a place in the market against these tougher adventure titles.
This was the first time in many years that the studio had offered any support for its classic adventure titles.
The original Boris continued to parody other comic books, although in a less vicious way, while also maturing into more of a somewhat serious adventure title.
Legend Entertainment was an American developer of computer games, best known for their complex, distinctive adventure titles throughout the 1990s.
The interface came from the designers' desire to improve on contemporary text parser-based graphical adventure games seen in earlier adventure titles.
Gilbert's frustrations with contemporary adventure titles led him to make the player character's death impossible, which meant that gameplay focused the game on exploration.
Think of Heavy Rain as a graphically enhanced adventure title, perhaps, and you'll do better.
"Drill will be a humor-oriented adventure title," Mr. Gould said.
Many adult players prefer the same kind of teenager-friendly sports and adventure titles as their younger counterparts.
Come to think of it, the iPad would be the perfect device for adventure titles.