However, of this adventurous journey there is no record except in Nussimbaum's own writings.
After long and adventurous journey they stop in the Indian Country.
I could make assumptions and then take the audience on a very adventurous cinematic journey.
This is the start of an adventurous journey through the capital.
After that he tells her about the long adventurous journey he had in the castle.
Trek is a long, adventurous journey undertaken on foot in areas where common means of transport are generally not available.
Plutarch gives an account of her adventurous journey to the Egyptian capital.
On the next day, May 11th, the Victoria resumed her adventurous journey.
On his recovery, Middleton began a series of adventurous journeys around the world.
There was no sense of an adventurous journey along that road through specific locales, each with its distinct culture.