"It's an adversarial position - be prepared to lose the house."
"This is not taking an adversarial position with the church," he said.
I don't think we are in an adversarial position.
But over time even that adversarial position became mainstream.
The network model allows for a more fluid organization that does not fix any group in a permanent adversarial position.
Jake said, "You're assuming that we're going to be in an adversarial position with the aliens."
"That's the beauty of being able to come out of adversarial positions to the other side," she said.
As a result, both sides are sometimes locked into what seem to be adversarial positions.
The role, however, could put investment banks in an adversarial position with management, a role they are unaccustomed to.
What this does, though, is rather than working with the club we are now in an adversarial position.