Dr. Studd insisted that the doses used in his patients are so low that they have no adverse health affects.
Otherwise, energy not only could be wasted but over-illumination can lead to adverse health and psychological effects.
They concluded that no adverse human health or ecological health effects are likely to result from these beneficial reuses of tire materials.
All of these pollutants have been shown to have adverse health and environmental impacts and some can cause property damage.
The pesticide law already required manufacturers to clearly mark studies that showed any adverse health or environmental effects.
They add that it "poses significant adverse health and economic consequences for individuals and corporations alike."
A plan can treat an individual with an adverse health factor (such as a disability) more favorably by offering extended coverage.
Contrary to myth, there are no adverse health affects from showering at night.
He called the review rigorous, and said it confirmed that biotech crops "pose no adverse health or environmental problems."
Children with lead poisoning may thus have adverse health, cognitive, and behavioral effects that follow them into adulthood.