The governess disappeared soon after this, and although investigations have been carried out, and advertisements placed in newspapers, and every effort made to find her, nobody knows where she's gone.
You may have seen the advertisements placed by Anglo-Welsh in the national press, stressing that 'there will be further and faster growth than Palatine can ever achieve on its own'.
Many noncommercial advertisements seek money and placed in the hope of raising funds.
Either way, the advertisement placed the Sanchez campaign on the defensive.
Clive Chajet, president of the Chajet Consultancy, a brand-imaging firm in New York, said the new advertisement shifted focus away from Ford's brands and placed it on the automaker's problems.
Programmes including Taggart and Rebus, and advertisements for global companies like Sony and Vodafone, have placed the locations of Glasgow on the world map.
The advertisement digitally places her atop the Great Wall of China, endorsing the commencement of the 2008 Olympic Games.
From November through next April, the Census Bureau will spend $102.8 million on television and radio commercials, and advertisements placed in newspapers, magazines and on billboards.
In the following days, London's jails and hospitals were turned upside down, and advertisements placed in the newspapers.