But networks said the advertisement violated their standards for advertising on controversial issues.
Citizens United filed a complaint with the commission in June asserting that advertisements for the movie would violate the law if they ran around election time.
Mr. Kennedy emphasized that the advertisements had been "cleared by legal counsel" and did not violate campaign spending limits.
Both advertisements violated an N.F.L. policy that forbids use of its logos without permission.
Seth Chandler, a University of Houston professor of law, assessed whether the advertisements violate the Texas Medical Practice Act.
The advertisements could violate Federal election law, which bars corporations from making direct contributions to a candidate's campaign.
Lorillard contends that the foundation's advertisements have violated the agreement's restrictions against direct attacks on the tobacco companies.
The Times had argued that the suit should be dismissed because requiring newspapers to monitor advertisements would violate the First Amendment.
Police headquarters in Pretoria said the committee's advertisement violated a state-of-emergency censorship regulation restricting reports about "the release of a person who is detained."